Basic Information:
Planned construction: 28 lots Σ 20,329 m2 – 726 m2 average. Planned construction indicators: Construction percentage: 20%, Green area ratio: 50%, Building height: 4.5-6.5m, Buildable total gross floor area: 11,990 m2
– Built-in percentage: 20% (the surrounding built-in is 25%) – Green surface indicator 50%, the water surface can be counted in 100% – Building height min: 4.5m, max: 6.5m, two gable walls can be deducted (same as the surrounding regulations) – Mandatory planting of 3 levels of plants and the mandatory garden design work part for licensing plans – Covered surface parking a maximum of 3 cars in a car storage, above that, the establishment of an underground garage is mandatory. Number of parking spaces to be placed, number of apartments + 1 – Maximum number of apartments that can be built per plot is 4, except the plot of a boarding house – At least 4 m2 of storage must be planned for each apartment